Good JuJu - St. Patrick's Day T-shirt

"Good JuJu" honors Julia (Ju) Cobb's St. Patrick's Day Birthday 03.17.06. Ju's legacy of love and kindness continue to bring smiles and cheer to people around the world. 

Julia reflected all that is "good" in this world, and we are proud to share a little piece of Julia's heart, along with a little "Good JuJu!" 

100% of the proceeds from this shirt benefit JuCan Foundation families fighting cancer. This also assures that the "goodness" of Julia will continue to children/families who need it! Thanks for supporting JuCan and remembering our Irish Princess, Julia Cobb. 

#JuliaCobb #StPatricksDay #StJuCanDay #March17 #JuCan #UCan #GodCAN


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